
April 28, 2021

Student Scholarships Available for CODAsummit 2021

As followers of Canal Convergence know (or if you don’t read all about it here), the CODAworx CODAsummit: The Intersection of Art, Technology and Place is happening November 10–12 in Scottsdale, coinciding with this year’s Canal Convergence from November 5–14.

With that in mind, we have some exciting news to share with students across the Valley and around the world! CODAworx is excited to announce this year’s scholarships for the summit, sponsored by SNA Displays. Five selected students will receive free registration for CODAsummit, along with a $500 stipend to assist with travel costs.

To apply, fill out a short form telling why you belong at CODAsummit, and enter for your chance to win! Applications are being accepted now through May 15, 2021.

So, if you are a student interested in the intersection of technology, public art, and architecture, hurry up and apply! For questions about the scholarships, contact [email protected].

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