Exhibitions, Inspire

August 26, 2020

During these uncertain times, SMoCA has invited artists and staff to utilize our blog Inspire as an outlet to make meaningful connections by sharing personal reflections and insight into their practice. 

Click play to watch the video.

On Feb. 1, 2020, SMoCA opened Design Transfigured/Waste Reimagined—an experimental design exhibition originated at Maria & Alberto de la Cruz Art Gallery at Georgetown University by curators Ginger Gregg Duggan and Judith Hoos Fox. Within that same month, we cohosted six international designers for a series of programs and social events in collaboration with ASU’s Center for Philosophical Technologies.

This exhibition was off to an amazing start. Audiences were fascinated with the ingenuity of the designers who used waste (agriculture, mining, aquaculture, and human) to make beautiful objects. SMoCA was buzzing with activity, bringing together not only the local community, but also six international designers. One month later, due to the spreading COVID-19 pandemic, we all retreated to our homes. Six months later, SMoCA is saying goodbye to this amazing exhibition with gratitude for the conversations, speculation, and connections that it brought to Scottsdale and our greater community.

To learn more about the exhibition and the designers, click here.


Behind the scenes of the final walk through video.

Take a moment to read other entries from our Museum Musings series.

Back to Inspire home.
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